Business VisionConcept & OptionsMarketing Plan

At least 50 per cent of businesses fail before 5 years are up. Is your business idea solid? Have you tested your business idea with an expert consultant who is proficient in accounting, legal, business, marketing and all the many other skills required to run a thriving business? Our “Test Your Business Idea” service will allow you to pitch your business idea to one of our expert consultants and have them validate it for you.


Even the best business ideas to make money can sometimes fail. But a bad idea is almost guaranteed to fail from the start. That’s why it’s important to get your business ideas validated by a professional before investing too heavily in a new venture.

  • Expert business consultants
  • Business idea validation
  • 45-minute consultation
Test Your Business Idea overview

Validate Your Innovative Business Ideas to Ensure They’re Profitable

20220106182854-test-business-idea.png overview

No matter how unique or innovative your new business idea is, you need to pitch it to someone who has a wide and experienced background in multiple types of businesses. A business can fail for many reasons, but the first and foremost reason is that its initial idea was weak. Our expert business consultants will be a sounding board for your entrepreneurial business idea and tell you after 45 minutes if it’s worth pursuing or not.


  • icon
    Critical Assessment

    Our specialist business consultants will provide a no-holds-barred assessment of your idea to determine if it has potential.

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    Book a meeting at your leisure

    You can book a meeting at your leisure after checking the product out so that you have ample time to prepare for your consultation.

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    Asking the right questions

    Often, a business idea is weak because the right questions haven’t been asked. Our specialist business idea consultants are expert at asking just the right questions to validate your business idea.

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    Competitor Assessment

    Have you evaluated your competitors? That’s part of testing a business idea. This and other vital aspects of Business Idea Validation will be covered during your consultation with one of our experts.



Will my business idea work?

Running a business is an adventure. If the basic idea of the business is weak, it’s unlikely to succeed. But if the idea is strong, it has far better chances of making it.

To “pitch” an idea means to tell someone about it and try to get them to support it. A “Business Idea Pitch” is almost like a “sales talk” about your business.

Patents are for products which result from ideas. You can patent the final product, but not the idea behind it. For example, you could patent a specific type of innovative electric engine, but not the idea that vehicles can run on electricity.

Copyrights are intended for artistic works. Ideas are not covered by copyright law.

The idea itself cannot be protected, but there are many legal securities which can be implemented to ensure that the innovative products your company produces are not copied. Our legal advice service can assist you in discovering some of the ways this can be done.

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How it Works
Expert Business Consultants

Our proficient business consultants will be able to tell you if your entrepreneurial idea is worth pursuing or if it needs modification. They are highly experienced in all matters of business.

After purchasing, you will receive a link within one day in order to book a 45-minute session with one of our skilled Business Idea Consultant.

All of our business consultants have extensive experience in many areas of business. Their long track record guarantees that the service you receive from them will be stellar.

See What Our Customers Say


My idea was weak, and I’m glad I found out early!

“The advice I received was spot-on. I was about to invest a lot of time and money into something that was destined to fail. I see it now, but I was so engrossed in my own idea that I didn’t see the major flaws in it. ”


Strong idea, now progressing

“I felt assured after my consultation that my new business idea was sound. Now I’m ready to get a business plan put together to start funding my new startup.”


The consultant was highly professional

“I could tell I was talking to a real pro when I got my Business Idea consultation. The consultant seemed to have a wide knowledge of many different aspects of business that I didn’t really know about. ”

Pricing Packages


How it Works

  • 1
    Check the product out in your shopping cart

    Simply add the product to your shopping cart and then check it out to get a link to book your 45-minute consultation at your leisure.

  • 2
    Book your meeting

    Book your meeting with one of our consultants.

  • 3
    Pitch the business idea specialist your idea

    Pitch your idea to the business specialist and have them evaluate its potential success or failure.

  • 4
    Know the answer and save or make lots of money!

    If your idea is inherently weak, you’ll save yourself a lot of money in the long run. If it’s strong, then all you’ll need is a solid business plan to go with it to improve its chances of success!

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